What to Consider when Buying a Hand Sanitizer Dispenser

Adopt an effective hand hygiene program

Creator: Miriam-Doerr | Credit: Getty Images / iStock



Good hand hygiene is one of the important responses to the international emergence of COVID-19 because of the virus’s primary ability to spread through droplets and contact transmission.  According to the WHO (World Health Organization) and CDC (Center for Disease Control), “Practicing hand hygiene, which includes the use of alcohol-based hand rub (ABHR) or handwashing, is a simple yet effective way to prevent the spread of pathogens and infections.”1

It is no surprise that as governments proceed cautiously with reopening the doors to the economy,  they’re recommending that businesses provide access to handwashing and make available alcohol-based hand sanitizers at multiple, prominent locations within their facilities to help minimize the spread among the workforce as well as in our communities.  Although many businesses are cognizant that keeping their employees and customers safe will help secure their continuity, many don’t realize that their hand hygiene program may be doing more harm than good.



As important as our hands are to work, shop, eat, and play, they equally contribute to the transmission of many disease-causing pathogens.  So, when offering people access to hand sanitizer, refrain from simply placing a spout bottle solution on a tabletop for your staff and the public to use at their discretion.  People will use their dirty hands to dispense the solution, using at least one hand to press the spout before the solution is dispensed.  The proper and most effective method is to purchase a hand sanitizer dispenser to outfit your establishment for cleanliness and to reduce the risk of cross-contamination.

There are a variety of dispensers on the market today and none of them are created equal.  That’s why it’s important to research your options thoroughly before deciding on which dispenser is best for your business application.  To assist you with this task, we have provided you a list of key factors to consider before choosing the system that works best for you.


  1. Environment: Your location plan for the hand sanitizer dispenser plays a significant role in the type of model you will need.  If you’re looking for something suitable for high-traffic commercial or public spaces, then you need to look for a model that has a long-lasting, stable, and rugged construction.  Generally, these models are fabricated out of thick gauge corrosion-resistant steel for a robust and durable finish.  Some models will include a mounting bracket to secure it the ground or wall for added stability and safety.  The key take-a-way point in this factor is that whatever model you are considering, ensure it will be able to weather any storm; be it inflicted by mankind or mother nature.
  2. Hand Sanitizer: During the first few or so months into the COVID-19 outbreak the demand for hand sanitizer solutions rapidly increased around the globe causing massive shortages and delays in supply chains.  This was a big frustration for all, but more frustrating for businesses that already possessed dispenser systems that required specific refill packages.  To avoid facing a similar scenario, you may want to consider a hand sanitizer dispenser that is brand agnostic and able to accommodate various bottle sizes and shapes.  In doing so… you’ll evade being pigeonholed to a specific brand or supplier, ultimately giving you greater flexibility in sourcing hand sanitizer solution in the future should history decide to repeat itself.
  3. Performance: It is proven that hands-free dispensers eliminate a common contact point where germs can be transferred.  While the motion-detection technology of a touchless model seems like a glamorous option for many, these types of systems have their drawbacks which include:
  • Drips and leaks, which can lead to significant product waste, dirty floors, and a potential safety hazard if floor spills aren’t cleaned up immediately.
  • Batteries and sensors wear down and die and often without notice or replacement for long periods and that causes the automatic dispenser to stop working and hand hygiene as well.
  • Residual costs of battery and sensor replacements will add up over time, especially if you possess multiple systems in multiple spaces.
  • Having a modern and sleek appearance makes them attractive and more susceptible to theft, which can become a serious problem as they cost substantially more to replace than manual dispensers.

Don’t get me wrong, touchless dispensers are glamorous.  But glamour shouldn’t replace the reliability and effectiveness of hand hygiene because it has a direct impact on the health and safety of everyone, including the company’s bottom line.  Elect a manual hands-free dispenser instead.

  1. Capacity: The capacity of a hand sanitizer dispenser broadly differs from model to model.  In most cases, hand sanitizers for commercial use can hold 12 to 128-ounces (i.e. 354 mL to 1 gal).  For high-traffic commercial and public spaces, it is best to opt for dispensers that can easily fit a large-size bottle so that you don’t have to refill it frequently.  If your uncertain how much daily traffic your commercial or public space receive on average, or if it widely differs on the time of year, it is prudent to select a model that can allow you to scale up or down as needed to avoid overspending on the replacement of a dispenser, hand sanitizer stock or both.
  2. Design: A hands-free sanitizer dispenser operated by a manual foot pedal versus a touchless dispenser that is electronically operated by a sensor will have fewer maintenance issues.  That means you will be reducing the risks associated with the downtime of effective hand hygiene, as well as spend associated with parts and service fees.  When looking for a foot pedal dispenser model, it is always preferable to look for one that is mechanically engineered to stand the test of time.
  3. Manufacturing: With the ongoing pandemic, buying from a local manufacturer is the best way to help strengthen our nation’s economy as well as the environment by reducing our carbon footprint. North America has some of the most unique brands in the world, some of which people don’t know about. Companies need to research products before they buy them. Knowing where your money goes is everyone’s responsibility for getting through these tough times together.



Considering that 80 percent of all infections are transmitted by hands, it is crucial now more than ever to implement an effective hand hygiene dispenser program at work.2  When deciding what hand sanitizer dispenser model to implement for your business, it’s essential to do your research and engage in thoughtful product selection.  After all, proper and reliable hand hygiene will reduce employer health care insurance claims and costs, absenteeism, and increase employee workplace satisfaction.  More important, it helps keep COVID-19 and other diseases and viruses out of the workplace, ensuring your business remains open and operating and your customers healthy and returning.


  1. Center for Disease Control: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/hcp/hand-hygiene.html
  2. abcNews: https://abcnews.go.com/Health/years-flu-season-bad-medical-experts-warn/story?id=51473025
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